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GM Trujillo am ready for the next courses.

CAA Timothy Mead
Priory of the Holy Trinity — with GT Marc Blaydoe
Yes GT Blaydoe is correct, always go thru the chain of command please.
Inform your Prior or MC so he can relay the message to GT.
I sent, I hope anyway, GM Trujillo a note about being ready for the next round of course work. I tried to tag you into that post, but when using the search function to get your name added, no hits came up. Not sure why may you can impart some advice on how that can be done.. I was able to tag GT Blaydoe but not you and I am just not sure why other than it is something I did or didn't do correctly.

CAA Timothy Mead
Priory of the Holy Trinity
97 friends . 90 photos
105 friends . 118 photos
86 friends . 287 photos
22 friends . 9 photos
KCP Douglas, I have completed the Statutes and Protocol Course. I am ready for the next course(s).

CAA Timothy Mead
Priory of the Holy Trinity — with GT Marc Blaydoe
GM Trujillo, I have completed the first round of courses. If you would be so kind as to issue the next course(s) at your discretion.
109 friends . 1361 photos
111 friends . 124 photos
110 friends . 705 photos
106 friends . 569 photos
57 friends . 457 photos
51 friends . 129 photos
51 friends . 24 photos
Welcome to OMSDT and to the Priory of the Holy Trinity!

Marc Blaydoe, Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Dieu Avec Nous!
Thank you to all have sent requests. This is actually my first social media foray so I’ll probably need some time to get comfortable with the platform and how all this works. It’s not that I am not technically savvy, but more about my distrust of Social Media as a whole which is why I have never participated in those platforms. I look forward to walking this road so be sure to let me know when I make mistakes.
109 friends . 1187 photos
102 friends . 527 photos
66 friends . 710 photos
112 friends . 1 photo