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Marc Blaydoe GT/Prior
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
"Do not be foolish in the requests you make to God, otherwise you will insult God through your ignorance. Act wisely in prayer, so that you may become worthy of glorious things. Ask for things that are honorable from Him Who will not hold back, so that you may receive honor from him as a result of the wise choice your free will had made. Solomon asked for wisdom (3 kg 3:8-14) - and along with it he also received the earthly kingdom, for he knew how to ask wisely of the heavenly king, that is, fo...  more
I pray you are well, please give me a call at your convenience

Marc Blaydoe GT/Prior
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
on September 02 2024 at 08:18 AM public
Looks like fun! Marc Blaydoe GT/Prior Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT) Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity Dieu Avec Nous!
I have the pleasure of announcing two promotions. The first promotion is for Marc Blaydoe who serves the Order in two capacities; the first being our Grand Turco, which is a Grand officer position. His second capacity has been serving as Priory leader at the rank of Master Commander for the Priory of the Holy Trinity for one year. He has been a dedicated leader of that Priory and has now met all the qualifications to hereby be promoted to the rank of Prior. GT Marc will still be referred to as G...  more — with GSY Reneé Nordio and GT Marc Blaydoe
Congratulations! The leadership you both provide is unmeasurable. Well-deserved promotions.

CAA Steve Chapman
Priory of ST Michael the Archangel
“Almighty God, let us pause to pay tribute to our dearly departed. Let us honor the memory of the valiant servicemen and women who made the supreme sacrifice so that we may live in a country that is free. May they rest in peace. Keep their families in your good graces." AMEN
I have the pleasure of announcing promotion for Marc Blaydoe who serves the Order in two capacities; the first being our Grand Turco, which is a Grand officer position. His second capacity has been serving as Priory leader at the rank of Master Commander for the Priory of the Holy Trinity for one year. He has been a dedicated leader of that Priory and has now met all the qualifications to hereby be promoted to the rank of Prior. GT Marc will still be referred to as Grand Turco (GT), as his offic...  more — with GT Marc Blaydoe
Congratulations on your well-earned promotion!
Nicholis Ahik, Knight Lieutenant
Seneschal of the Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!