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Good afternoon from Killeen, Tx.. Any suggestions on what to study/read?
Good morning from windy Killeen, Texas.
Go forth and do good deeds.
Please let me know of any member's in the greater Killeen, TX. area.
117 friends . 1297 photos
117 friends . 1204 photos
118 friends . 714 photos
113 friends . 121 photos
60 friends . 137 photos
57 friends . 15 photos
Just a daily Hello from me to all. A great call to day from Amanda about OMSDT. I think I have made the right choice being here.

" Do Well That Duty That Lies Before You!"

Greetings. Just want to let all know, I welcome all invited from Brothers and Sisters of the Orders.
Cheers from Texas.
111 friends . 537 photos
118 friends . 126 photos
120 friends . 1 photo
Just added my pic. Not my
Greetings from Killeen, Texas. I’m New Brother Gene McPhee. I’m retired US Army. I look forward to my adventures with Knights Templar.
Peace be with You.

CAA Gene McPhee