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In a world that seems to celebrate excess and even outrageous behavior, we were called to be holy and everything you do. The Lord gave a command to his chosen people at Mount Sinai, a command that called for a state of being rather than action: “You must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy,” Leviticus 19:2. ...  more
Grand Prior and I have been successful in securing the re-order of the cardstock used for the certificates. Therefore, to those who are tagged, please know your certificates were mailed out to you today.

Thank you for your patience. — with MC William Ryan and 8 others.
What is the primary reason for gathering? To glorify God as His Body. Our primary reason for gathering in person on the Sabbath is to magnify the Lord as the Lord’s people! Think with me as you read the sobering words based on George Barna’s research: “For most Americans worship is to satisfy or please them, not to honor or please God. Amazingly, few worship-service regulars argue that worship is something they do primarily for God; a substantially larger percentage of attenders claim that a...  more
SFC Bobby Lawson
Priory of the Holy Trinity
God Bless You
Please join with me in wishing SGT Bobby Lawson a most blessed and joyous birthday! — with KLT Bobby Lawson
Happy Birthday SGT...may God Bless this wonderful day for you!
Happy Birthday sister Harriet. I hope this day is awesome!