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Recent Activities

Pictures of the Red Dawn Paintball event I attended this weekend.

SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
Got my internet installed today and received my tees in the mail; today is a good day 🙂
Good afternoon brethren

I recently started a gofundme campaign on behalf of SFC Ssenfuma Ronald for the purpose of improved toilets and a borehole for the orphanage he's apart of.

If anyone is able or willing to make a donation the link will be posted below. Thank you and God bless

SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
Yesterday I joined forces with Wiigiishin Giiwiigeenahn, a volunteer coalition who started handing out Food, Water and Snacks to the Children of God on the streets of Downtown Winnipeg every Friday evening.
We also did garbage pickup and safe removal of needles.

SGT Bryan Daniel Cuillerier
Priory of Saint Sebastian (Canada)
I found myself contemplating, Matthew 7:7 at work the other day;
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; and it got me thinking about people who complain about the situation their currently living in but don't seek anyway out of it. The line ask and you shall receive doesn't mean, ask and then sit and wait around to receive, In fact quite the opposite as explained in the full verse, "seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened" ...  more
Good evening brethren

My city like most cities has a big homeless problem, something I see alot of everyday on my commute to and from work. And when I see people begging for change it's very hard for me not to help, which is why I save all my coinage for them, by doing this alot of them got to know me and started having conversations, something I hear alot of is how few people are willing to give spare change, which is why I like to encourage people to save their coinage for the homeless if th...  more