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With GOD before us noone can stand against us!
“Let all that you do be done in love.” — 1 Corinthians 16:14
Good morning OMSDT family.
Enjoy the work week. Have fun and be safe.

Dear God, thank you for your relentless love and pursuit of my heart. Even when I feel lost or wandering, I find comfort knowing you are always there, seeking me out and guiding me back to your fold. Help me to open my heart to your love and embrace your presence in my life today. Amen.

CAA Joseph Boyd
Good morning all. Have an awesome day.
Good luck on your Superbowl squares tonight😊

It’s easy to forget what things cost. This is especially true with sin. The Bible tells us that, for our sake, Jesus suffered ...

Physical pain. Our Savior was mocked, beaten, and humiliated. In His weakened state, He was forced to carry on His shoulders the instrument of His death—the cross. Then He was nailed to it and hoisted up to die. (See John 19:1-30.)

Man’s sin. Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and never knew the disgrace of sin or the bitterness of regret. But at the cross, Chri...  more
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