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Gmorning, y'all...

1SGT Tim Whittenberg
Priory Of The Holy Trinity
Amen 🙏🏻

GC John Kelmy
KCP, Priory of St. Michael the Archangel
Sorry I've been so distant lately. I just completed my Defensive Tactics phase of training. Next week is the final phase of training-Weapons Qualification. I'll be at the next Roundtable Meeting so, see y'all there.

1SGT Tim Whittenberg
Priory of the Holy Trinity
“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.” - Romans 8:29-30
1SGT Tim - please be sure to make your posts in either your Priory page or the OMSDT Worldwide page so that members will receive a notification when you make a post. Post made from the Home page may be missed by member because they don't receive notifications for posts made from the Home page. Thanks.

GSY Renee' Nordio
Please join with me in wishing 1SGT Tim Whittenberg a very Happy Birthday! — with 1SGT Tim Whittenberg
Happy Birthday!
CAA Chris Howell
Priory of the Holy Trinity
"God Above All!"
SFC Jon Durall and his fiancé Joy had a baby boy this morning...Jonathan Jackson Durall...he weighs 4 lbs, 4 oz...CONGRATS, Jon and Joy! — with
Question for the Order: What do you believe is the most important quality that a Knights Templar possesses?

I believe the most important trait is charity...With charity, a knight has a heart to help others, support others, think of others before themselves. I think the quality of charity reveals the other traits of strength, fidelity, charisma, intelligence, bravery and trustworthiness.

Feel free to discuss.