
Public (anyone can view and join)
A group for OMSDT official merchandise information, announcements, and a link to our Bonfire online store.

We want to provide some great Order apparel and other cool items for our members. The proceeds from the sale of Bonfire merchandise helps to fund various Order expenses and works of charity. May God bless you and thank you for supporting our ongoing mission.

Recent Activities

Our official merchandise store is at Bonfire

Additional items are available, such as business cards, brochures, Polo Shirts and Zip up Hoodies. These items feature either our motto or Priory names on them. These items can be purchased through me directly. Please contact me if you would like to order any of these.
Knights Templar OMSDT | Official Merchandise | Bonfire
Knights Templar OMSDT Ordre Militaire Supreme Des Templiers. We're a Christian organization offering Templar products in support of our Order.
OMSDT Merchandise
A group for OMSDT official merchandise information, announcements, and a link to our Bonfire online store. We want to...
OMSDT Merchandise
A group for OMSDT official merchandise information, announcements, and a link to our Bonfire online store. We want to...
OMSDT Merchandise
A group for OMSDT official merchandise information, announcements, and a link to our Bonfire online store. We want to...
OMSDT Merchandise
A group for OMSDT official merchandise information, announcements, and a link to our Bonfire online store. We want to...
Order flags are now available for members that would like get one. The process takes about 3 weeks and will run around 35 to 40 dollars. They are made in the USA, and are good quality. Double sided, 3 x5 in size. Durable polyester fabric with dye sublimation printing, include include grommets and for indoor/outdoor use.

Can order either with black or white as pictures show.

To order contact me and we will set an order up.

GP Derek Nordio
I am putting together a order for several flags, please lets me know so I can start the order.
Today I received my vista print order for our Knight jacket and a gym bag. Very happy with both. . The jacket is very light weight, should be light enough for warm weather. For colder temps could go over a sweatshirt.
how much cost GYM BAG?
New shirt to celebrate our first in person conclave held at out National HQ, Loretto Chapel in NM this November. This design is a 2 sided design, church on front and our logo on back. Available in many styles and colors.
New item for Knighted members, Priors and Grands only. These are a white jacket, with a cross. Above the cross "OMSDT KNIGHT", below the cross Name, all knights will have Sir, Priory leaders : Prior, and Grands. This is a light weight jacket , good for most seasons and rain.

All orders are done with me from Vista Prints, base cost 42.00 plus shipping and tax.
Few examples below showing different name styles.

GC John Kelmy
KCP, Priory of St. Michael the Archangel

“In Nomine Eius Triumphabo”
I know this is late. Thank you, GP for all you and GSY do for this Order.

KLT Thomas Felts Sr.
Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Seneschal, Priory of St. Luke
Esto Benignus et Humilis