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Defenders of the Faith, our motto for OMSDT. A good clip from Movie. This is why we are Templars. True words inspire us to our mission.
Too cool. Love it.
The OMSDT flag will fit in well.
Just need to find a spot now😊

CAA Joe Boyd
Priory of St Sebestian
Acta Non Verba
Marc Blaydoe
Prior, Holy Trinity Priory
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Dieu Avec Nous!
Philippe du Plessis (1165 – 12 November 1209) served as the 13th Grand Master of the Knights Templar. Born in the fortress of Plessis-Macé, Anjou, France, he embarked on the Third Crusade in 1189, where he encountered the Order of the Temple in Palestine. Following the death of Gilbert Horal, du Plessis became Grand Master.
A significant figure in diplomacy, he played a crucial role in upholding the treaty between Saladin and Richard I, and in 1208, he proposed that the Teutonic Order and Hospi...  more
Onward Christian Soldiers" is a Christian hymn written by Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924), who was an Anglican priest. A proper interpretation of this song shows it's about spiritual battle and this picture of the Knights on the horses just rocks like the song.
London's Temple Church was consecrated in the year 1185. It was once the home of the Knights Templar in England. The warrior Knight's mission was to protect pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. In the process, they created the first international banking system which made them rich and powerful. They also created enemies who conspired to destroy them. The Templar's property was seized and eventually became the center of the legal profession in England.  more