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Recent Activities

In the winter nights, I make willow baskets. This is my first one this winter. God has blessed me with the opportunity to learn how to make them. They are always a bit rustic/wonky/unprofessional. I tried a new design this time, with the sides kinda high...
nothing wrong with rustic or 'wonky', I prefer the terms "unique" and "having character". "Professional" which I equate with mass-produced with no personality, is over-rated.

Marc Blaydoe GT/Prior
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire SuprĂŞme Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
I wanted to change the cross design on my shield to a Templar flag inspired design. I used an actual flag and mounted it to some cardboard, then poked holes through the flag onto the cardboard to outline the cross shape. Then I used a craft scalpel to cut the cross shape out of the cardboard and used that as a stencil. My first attempt was off center, so I erased it with paint remover and started over, doing a more precise method. It isn't perfect but came out looking pretty cool!
on December 04 2024 at 09:27 PM public
This was the last stretch of potatoes after a five-day push to get them all in...
My wife and I finally finished harvesting our potatoes today. We plant about a mile of potatoes. The tractor kinda digs them up, but we have to crawl along and put them in bags, digging a little with our hands to make sure to get them all. We had harvested about half of them earlier, but started five days ago and focused on getting them all in. It has been about 28-31 degrees so it has been somewhat cold. I used the tactor exhaust multiple times to thaw out my hands. Today we found a heart-shape...  more
One of the main things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving is being accepted into the OMSDT! Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving
CAA Jeff Bramlett
Priory of King David