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Living in the light

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
GOD is Good

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Thought I would share this short video. It's an old one but by good.

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Tonight I did outreach at turning point here in Durant.
What an experience GOD is Good!!

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Believe in truth

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Be the light on the ground like the light in the sky from our lord.

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Take a moment to STOP and see GODs beauty in your life.
GOD is Good!

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena
Happy Friday GOD is Good!!!

SGT Nicholas Peters
Priory of St. Helena