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Good evening brothers and sisters please help me were only $50 short of given two wonderful men a blessed Christmas we need it by morning because the big day is tomorrow when we go shopping for these 2 gentleman so please help share the giving of this wonderful and merryful day you can send it to Sir Client or to my cash app at $michaeldynak
Hello brothers and sisters we only have a few more days to help some needy people at the VOA please send whatever you can we already have one person saved for we just need one more left to get for so were only short $150 so lets pull together like a family and help someone in more unfortunate needs to have amazing Christmas send all money to Sir Client thank you all who have already helped l!!!!
Good morning family i want to wish everyone a amazing day amd please try to stay cool brothers and sisters

CAA Michael G. Dynak
Priory of The Holy Trinity
I want to say thank you to all of my brothers and sisters for this certificate it means alot and I am looking forward to miving up and learning alot more once again thank you all very much
I hope everyone has a very blessed day and night so everyone stay safe and strong

CAA Michael Dynak
Priory of the Holy Trinity
Everyone please stay safe diring these storms
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