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Today, part 2 as promised.


Their communal lifestyle and rigid hierarchy also meant that nothing was kept private. When a Knight joined the Order he handed over all of his possessions, including his clothing, and was issued new ones. Since the concept of personal property was discouraged, everything was regarded as belonging to the Temple (as opposed to the individual knight). Templars were not even permitted to trade clothing or equipment without permission. This ...  more
Excellent article, thank you! This is worth saving. We should take their example as inspiration in our own lives for discipline and dedication to Christ.

Marc Blaydoe GT/Prior
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Prior, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
Greetings and blessings friends and brothers. Today I’m posting part 1 of 2 parts of a longer history of the original Templar’s daily life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

When most of us think of the Knights Templar we either think of the secrets they may have held or the military role they played in the Crusades. Less considered, however, is the iron discipline their Rule demanded they exercise in their day-to-day lives off the battlefield. Today, their fierce commitment to it even in pe...  more

Dearest Father

I beg thee, hear my prayer, a lowly unworthy sinner. I beseech thee; incline thy favor upon me as I fight the serpent.
Keep my eyes upon Zion and my ear filled with your guidance. Keep my aim true, and my path straight-straight to You.
Trinity, O Trinity; I admit to being far from perfect and concede only your son, Christ Jesus, begotten as a man to be the only perfect human past or present-yet I ask most revered Father make me as perfect an instrument of your work a...  more
on September 12 2024 at 06:53 PM public
A great reminder.
on September 12 2024 at 06:52 PM public
I just saw this photo post and even though it’s over a year old it remains as true as ever!
During my studying I found what is claimed to be the last prayer of the original Templars from approx, the year 1314 and thought I’d share it.

The Knights Templar's Last Prayer circa 1314

May the grace of the holy Spirit be present with us. Way Mary, Star of the Sea, lead us to the harbor of salvation. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, holy Father, eternal God, omnipotent, omniscient Creator, Bestower, kind Ruler and most tender lover, pious and humble Redeemer: gentle, merciful Savior, Lord! I
humbl...  more
A Knight's Prayer
Almighty God,Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord,I pray for Thy indulgence & blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials,nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great small.
Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies & be unto T...  more
Dearest brethren
It is good to be back amongst you, even if only electronically. After a few days absence due to a short stay in the hospital I’m happy to report all is well.

I have been reading Templar history and writings and found a very good prayer I’d like to share.

O God our Guide Guardian from of old:
grant us the means and opportunity to do good,
resolution to persevere and
grace to attain happily
to the blessed inheritance of Eternal Life.

Grant, we pray,
that wherever we are ...  more

Sir Nicholis Ahik, Knight Major
Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templier (OMSDT)
Seneschal, The Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

16 “I, ...  more
"Almighty God, You are holy and deserving of all honor. Your power is unmatched, and Your wisdom infinite. I lift my voice in exaltation, knowing You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. To You be the glory, forever and ever. Amen."

CAA Lee Leiby
Priory of St Michael the Arch Angel
Happy Labor Day Holidays to all

Dear Lord
Keep us faithful in preserving all you’ve given
lest we harm the smallest part of all you’ve made.
Give us good and honest work to do and rest at each day’s end.
Let a just and fair day’s wage be paid for a good day’s work well done.
Give us work that nurtures and sustains the ones who serve and those they serve. Let those who labor work in peace, in freedom, without fear.
Give those in need a job to do, and to the tired, well-earned rest.
Let al...  more
After my cousin received a cancer diagnosis recently I decided to post this for all cancer survivors/patients.

Lord Jesus, I declare in your name that cancer will not steal this life, there will be restoration and healing! I proclaim freedom from cancer cells, I pray against their multiplication and growth and from the transference of these cells to different areas of the body. I prophesy a new balance. I command the cells that have grown in the wrong place to diminish, to fade and to vanish in...  more