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Greetings family

I am confined to my bed for at least 2 weeks, possibly more.

I think I might have alluded to the fact that I feel on the ice on Feb 11. I broke 4 toes on my left foot and my left ankle plus shattered the bones that connect the left foot to the leg and tore several ligaments and tendons. Also my left knee has ACL damage.

All in all I was lucky; the Lord protected me from the worst. I was retrieving an empty plastic trash can and when I fell my head hit the can rather than the ...  more
CAA Lee - Hang tough my brother. Those are some incredible injuries to sustain. I have been where you are. And it is no fun for sure. I have also watched a lot of my Brothers come home only to become drawn into that world of pain and pain killers. There are some alternatives that aren’t addicting seek out a pain management consult. I can’t tell you have you are feeling but I know what I felt and had to endure. God forward with Gods strength and know we are all behind you in prayer. If you need ...  more
Hello all
Anyone ever have an ACL repair? I fell on the ice and will probably need this surgery, was wondering what recovery entails.

CAA Lee P Leiby
Priory Of St Michael the Arch Angel
”Fides et Veritas“
Gracious Father,
I pray for the world this coming year I pray for a peaceful year free of war and destruction
I pray that you protect all the vulnerable people of this world
Feed the hungry children and save people in war-ravaged areas
Save us from any pandemics or evil leaders. Protect us from environmental disasters and keep us safe Rain on our crops and increase our yield
Keep us safe from evil people who want to destroy and plunder
Help us through our lives with p...  more
Sorry brethren but I don’t have much to say. I attended a funeral today and that has gotten me down.
I’ll post more soon.

CAA Lee P Leiby
Priory Of St Michael the Arch Angel
”Fides et Veritas“
Let us all remember and pray for the homeless who are suffering during this terrible cold spell and while the wind chills are below zero. May our Father protect them and keep them safe and help them find warmth and food now and always.
Let’s remember we are all brothers. If our brothers are cold we have a duty to help them.

CAA Lee P Leiby
Priory Of St Michael the Arch Angel
”Fides et Veritas“
Hello to all

To those wondering; God has seen fit to delay my court case once again. It was scheduled for Fri, Jan 17 but on Tuesday I received a notice that the court rescheduled it for Feb 7. I don’t know why. I am only surviving by the grace of God and by the knowledge that He has me in His hand. He is in control, not me. Even though I know and accept this fact it does not help me with the stress and depression this case causes nor the feeling of not having closure that the constant delays ...  more
Friends: I’m happy to report that after many weeks of gloom and fear that my house may be lost the Lord has once again shown His strength and mercy towards me. In today’s mail I received a notice that as of Jan 17 the case will be dismissed. A judge will, on that day, rule that the bank violated many laws and banking regulations and therefore has NO GROUNDS TO PROCEED WITH FORECLOSURE. He will also not let them refile under any other statues etc. This will happen as long as no new information or...  more
Like everyone, I’ve had “one of those days.” Whatever could go wrong; did. Work started out badly and just got worse as the day wore on.

I know everyone can relate, all humans have bad days and all humans commit sin. Noah is a perfect example, he had an alcohol problem according to the bible: “Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent” (Genesis 9:20-2)

Thankfully we are able to come before our Father and ...  more
Dearest friends and brethren:
As you know my housing has been an ongoing issue and it still is. The entire situation has pushed me into a very deep depression; a depression so deep and dark like that I haven’t seen since my teen years before I ever began treatment . Today I am a bit more up but still far From normal. I credit a prayer I found and have been praying. Although it’s long I’m going to post the entire thing so maybe it can help someone else.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you that ...  more