Last night in my area the temperature suddenly dropped to the low twenties and the rest of the week the high temperature is predicted to be in the low 30’s. This made we think even more about the homeless population and pray they find a permanent home that is warm and safe. Additionally, it made me once again realize how many blessings He has bestowed upon me. In that same vein I found a prayer that I would like to share.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the shelter of our home and ask that yo... moreLast night in my area the temperature suddenly dropped to the low twenties and the rest of the week the high temperature is predicted to be in the low 30’s. This made we think even more about the homeless population and pray they find a permanent home that is warm and safe. Additionally, it made me once again realize how many blessings He has bestowed upon me. In that same vein I found a prayer that I would like to share.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the shelter of our home and ask that you fill it with your warmth and comfort. May our hearth be a place of love and togetherness, where we feel safe and protected from the cold, just as we are embraced by your loving presence. Bless this house with a steady flow of warmth, and may our hearts always be filled with your radiant love. Amen.
CAA Lee P Leiby
Priory Of St Michael the Arch Angel
”Fides et Veritas“