Good morning brothers and sisters
1 Corinthians 10:24~ Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.
Amazingly, the more we attempt to handle things on our own, the more we prioritize "watching out for number one," and the more we alienate ourselves from the important connections that make life worthwhile. The phrase says, "If you want a friend, then be a friend." I tell you what, it's true! It's simple to look out exclusively for our own interests. That is what the majority of peo... moreGood morning brothers and sisters
1 Corinthians 10:24~ Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.
Amazingly, the more we attempt to handle things on our own, the more we prioritize "watching out for number one," and the more we alienate ourselves from the important connections that make life worthwhile. The phrase says, "If you want a friend, then be a friend." I tell you what, it's true! It's simple to look out exclusively for our own interests. That is what the majority of people automatically do. However, the desire of Christians to put the needs of others above their own is what distinguishes them as followers of God and makes them redemptive.
Prayer: Father, please pardon me, as I am aware that I often act selfishly and seldom consider the effects of the choices I make on the needs of others. With everyone who needs your grace and the kindness you have given me to share with them, I want to have the mentality of Christ and to be more unselfish and sacrificial. Bless me as I try to live this part of my life like your Son. In Jesus' name, I ask it. Amen.