So upon general; casual research on chivalry, I have made note of some specific things. For one, people speak about how those days were truly uncivilized. Though there were plenty of harsh lifestyles, punishments, and an abundance of medical treatment that was highly questionable and oftentimes nonexistent; I find that despite all these things, the structure of such a set life has its advantage even according to todays modernity. Although there are a select number who have used their power for i... moreSo upon general; casual research on chivalry, I have made note of some specific things. For one, people speak about how those days were truly uncivilized. Though there were plenty of harsh lifestyles, punishments, and an abundance of medical treatment that was highly questionable and oftentimes nonexistent; I find that despite all these things, the structure of such a set life has its advantage even according to todays modernity. Although there are a select number who have used their power for ill (Templars being a victim of that for certain) the “code” or “moral standard” as far as chivalry goes was quite profound. Not all knights followed the same code, obviously, but as a general practice, knights were to be quite the respectful gentlemen! Even in battle, as ferocious as a knight was, he was expected even then to treat his enemies with a modicum of respect and honor.
In my study, I ask myself why such men who would wish to be staunch Christians and live up to what Jesus calls us to do would NOT participate in some sort of system interfollowing their faith, for me, the choice to join the Templar knights was a choice not made lightly but it was a decision indeed to perform my God given talents, gifts, and further develop/serve God. With brothers and sisters by my side, I have found a complete dedication to this cause alongside those who also heed the call of knighthood. Though this is not a replacement of church, I find it to be ran in a way a church SHOULD be. A church should be a barracks, not a country club.
So with all that being said, I am thankful to be a part of this. I truly take it to heart and to live my lifetime within in…as well as pass it along to my son, should he be willing to heed the call. I shall have my sword broke at my funeral if he does not…just as in times of old.
Be always blessed. Keep your head about you. Beware the fiery darts of the adversary. Be about your brother. Treat carefully. Love your neighbor as Jesus has loved us all first.
With all due respect, honors, and of the highest gratitude supreme,
Companion-At-Arms Dylan T. Baynes