Post 2 – 16DEC2024
As a new CAA, I thought that as I read through all the information about becoming a Knight that I should take those pieces and reflect on them as posts, one by one.

The first series of posts I would like to do is on our Statutes.

Article II
As a Christian Grand Priory, we singularly worship and serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost, as professed by our Lord and ...  more
Statutes | O.M.S.D.T.
These are the rules of the order that all members must follow while in our most Holy order.
It never hurts any of us regardless of rank to be reminded of these principles in which our Order is founded on. I believe it to be very worthwhile endeavor that not only gives substance to new members ,but allows older ones to reflect ,and review as well. I would encourage you to continue with this type of forward thinking. I commend you on such an intelligent approach. Nice job Brother.
KT Kenneth Glover
Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Marshal, Priory of St. Luke
Esto Benign...  more
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