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Please join me in wishing KCP Stephen a very Happy Birthday! — with KCP Stephen Jeckel
102 friends . 117 photos
74 friends . 13 photos
91 friends . 90 photos
97 friends . 97 photos
25 friends . 30 photos
101 friends . 1 photo
48 friends . 392 photos
Today I have the pleasure to announce a friend and someone I knighted in April 2021 in a former Order. Please join me in welcoming Knight Captain Stephen Jeckel to OMSDT, he is from Arizona and will be in the Priory of St Joan of Arc.

Here is his bio:
I’m a Knight Captain and glad to join this order. I had began my path back in 2019 and continues today to be dedicated to the Templar path. I am a Roman Catholic by faith and currently attending law school at Cleveland State University. My go...  more
— with KCP Stephen Jeckel
Welcome and God bless!

Marc Blaydoe GT, MC
Grand Turcopolier, Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Master Commander, Priory of the Holy Trinity
Dieu Avec Nous!
Today I have the pleasure to announce a friend and someone I knighted in April 2021 in a former Order. Please join me in welcoming Knight Captain Stephen Jeckel to OMSDT, he is from Arizona and will be in the Priory of St Joan of Arc.

Here is his bio:
I’m a Knight Captain and glad to join this order. I had began my path back in 2019 and continues today to be dedicated to the Templar path. I am a Roman Catholic by faith and currently attending law school at Cleveland State University. My go...  more
— with KCP Stephen Jeckel
Welcome Sir Stephen, great to have you in our priory.
KCP William Ryan
Priory of St Joan of Arc
God above all.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome yesterday. I am very honored to be apart of such an amazing order. May God Bless you all.
101 friends . 1319 photos
103 friends . 1160 photos