Only a few orders have raised such enormous interest and intense emotions as the Order of the Templars.
From the very start, the Templars were organized as a strict religious and military order. In the half of the 12 th century, the rules of the order were created, containing 72 clauses. The clauses were written by Saint Bernard de Clairvaux and outlined the formal structure of the order as well as its rules and prohibitions that had to be strictly adhered to. The most important rule... moreTemplars
Only a few orders have raised such enormous interest and intense emotions as the Order of the Templars.
From the very start, the Templars were organized as a strict religious and military order. In the half of the 12 th century, the rules of the order were created, containing 72 clauses. The clauses were written by Saint Bernard de Clairvaux and outlined the formal structure of the order as well as its rules and prohibitions that had to be strictly adhered to. The most important rules included common meals, prohibition of bodily pleasures, attendance of religious service and an unfailing obedience to the Grand Master. New recruits came to the Templars from all western Europe. The main motivation was support of the Holy War, but also the search for redemption from one’s sin, the possibility to fight and become famous, or simply a source of food. The Order was divided into three main ranks: the noble knights, the sergeants and the chaplains.
The rank of each member determined what type of Templar Armor he will wear. The noble knights were heavy cavalry and wore a white cloak or mantle with a red cross. They were equipped with a chainmail armor or ordinary metal breast plates. The usual armor also included chainmail leggings and a great helm with a narrow visor. In fights, the Templars used primarily one-handed Templar swords and a black and white Templar Shield. The knights also received a horse armor. The sergeants, who were further divided into infantry soldiers and supporters of the Knights, had a simpler armor. They wore a tabard and black Templar overcoat that also featured the red Templar cross, just like the knights’ cloak. The chainmail armor
was somewhat shorter, and the helm was more open and practical for ground combat. The Templar weapons for the infantry and close combat included one-handed swords or lances. Assistants to the Knights were dressed in brown monk robes. The origins and evolution of Knights Templar attire reflect the unique blend of practicality, symbolism, and craftsmanship that defined this legendary Order. From their humble beginnings as a monastic order to their rise as formidable warriors, the Templars' clothing played a crucial role in their identity and mission.
Sir Kenneth Glover
Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers (OMSDT)
Marshal, Priory of St. Luke
Esto Benignus et Humilis