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Posted by CAA Steve Talbott on October 18 2024 at 02:17 PM
Comments (5)
What caliber is that? I like the iron sights! I have an old Sears model 30-06 with irons, but I currently have a scope on it.

CAA Jeff Bramlett
Priory of King David
It's a Ruger Guide gun in .375 Ruger
Very cool. I did some research about "Scout Rifles" that have the long-eye-relief scopes on them. That Guide gun looks like a candidate for that concept. I tried a long-eye-relief scope on my Rossi 92 in .357 but the scope was a cheap one and the mounting wasn't very solid so I couldn't get it to hold zero. I also tried a red dot on it, but finally decided that iron sights and a detachable flashlight were the way to go because it is a 50 yard gun anyway. I like the Rossi 92. I reload for it, mai...  more
Thanks! It's a dangerous game round. Used for grizzly, cape buffalo, lion etc. It also makes a good round for any large game out to around 500 yards with a proper optic. I have a few different guns and previously had a Rossi 92 in. 357 mag. It was a great rifle.
Neat! Thanks for sharing.

CAA Jeff Bramlett
Priory of King David
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